Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Five

Joining Rachel for a Friday Five today:

1. I had a great brunch with a good friend today. We always chat for hours, and it's filled with laughs. We should do that more often.

2. Afterwards, I went to the mall and got a few cute outfits for Isaac. I think I'm going to stock up on buttoned-up shirts and pants for church apparel, since they are apparently hard to find when there isn't an upcoming holiday (thank you, Easter!). Prepare yourself for the cuteness.

3. I'm homesick. NY and Canada - I miss them both. I miss my family. I wish we lived near both Grandmas.

4. My treadmill is up and working again! My goal is to run at least three times a week, with an aim of eventually running 5 days a week. I'm hoping for one of those to be outside, but if not, the treadmill will do for now.

5. Moses is a beast. He's a huge, unruly beast. And I love him. He has such a sweet personality. Good thing, as high maintenance as he is. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Three Months Old

Isaac is now three months old! He's almost out of 0-3 month clothes, and is in some 3-6 month clothes. He still sleeps through the night, thankfully! He's smiling all the time, and gurgilng and making adorable cooing noises. He's an angel!
We weighed him a couple of days ago and he was exactly 14 lbs! Big boy!

Have you ever seen a more beautiful baby? Me neither! :)